Thursday, September 1, 2011

Benefits of keeping your skin hydrated

The human body is made up of 70% water.  Doctors recommend us to drink 8 cups of water every day.  Water is important for all living beings...and our skin!  Yes, the key to beautiful healthy skin is drinking plenty of water.  Water can help transport waste and toxin out of our bodies.  But do you notice that when you have dry skin drinking water doesn’t help much at all?

I’d think...duh! That’s what lotion is for.  It’s great for repairing dry and cracked skin, so you use lotion only when your skin is cracked (daily use is for girly girls who like to smell nice).  Wrong!  Using lotion, moisturizer, or serum to keep your skin well-hydrated can prevent a lot of unwanted skin issues.  Here I just want to name a few benefits of having a good habit to keep your skin moisturized.

1. Balance out the oil on your skin.  On a hot or humid day, your skin would naturally secrete oil to help form a protective layer on your skin.  The oil is only one component of your protective layer, and it takes time for all the components to mix together.  The first reaction that people have toward an oily face is to rinse it off or use facial blotting paper.  That just makes it worse because your skin reacts by giving off more oil (it still wants to form that protective layer).  But if you use a light-weight moisturizer along to help expedite the forming of the protective layer, your skin will gradually stop secreting too much oil and your skin will look supple.

2. This one is for the girls who have everything.  Normally when you look for a new skincare product, you look for functions/results.  You seek words like “age-defying”, “oil-control”, or “reduce visible pores”.  Those are all good things but skipping out on moisturizing means none of the wonderful ingredients can enter your skin.  Human epidermis is consisted of many cell layers, but the outermost layers are all dead skin cells.  In well-hydrated skin, those dead skin cells can protect living cells underneath from premature death.  If too many living cells die early, more layers of dead skin cells are formed blocking all the ingredients from seeping into your skin.  Well, in short, don’t skip moisturizing after you wash your face.  Otherwise, more dead skin cells equal to rougher skin, and that equals to useless skincare products and lots of disappointment.

3. Reduce and prevent enlarged pores.  I mentioned premature skin cells deaths in 2.  Some of the dead skin cells may clog your pores, leading to clogged pores (comedos and some of them blackheads).  The clogging also stretches your pores.  To avoid blackheads, comedos, and ultimately, acnes, keep your skin well-hydrated!   The other cause for enlarged pores is dehydration leads to shifts in skin’s tissue structures, resulting in visible pores.

These are only a few benefits explained in details.  Other benefits are preventing sensitive skin, delaying wrinkles and fine lines formation, protecting skin from environmental damages, soothing skin after exposure to the sun, etc.  So...grab a bottle of moisturizer and quench your skin’s thirst!

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